

Yarro.org is an education website for small businesses and entrepreneurs. We publish content about a variety of small business topics, including content relating to marketing, strategy, finance, accounting, operations, management, and insurance.

Even though some of our content contributors and writers may hold credentials in law, accounting, and real estate, they and yarro.org are not acting as licensed professionals. The content published on yarro.org is generally applicable and we make no claim as to its suitability or applicability to your particular business or business endeavor. We do not provide specific advice for your small business. The information provided on this website, and any recommendations made, may not be a good fit for your small business. You should consult your business accountant, attorney, tax professional, or other licensed professional for decisions that could affect your small business legally or financially.

While we try to provide accurate, up-to-date content, we cannot, and do not, guarantee the accuracy and completeness of information on our website or in emails we send to you. We regularly update website content, but it is possible that at times we miss something. We recommend using our content as a starting point to do your own research before choosing a product, service or professional consultant for your small business.